TikTok Confirms New Instagram-Like App Is Coming Soon

From PC Mag: TikTok plans to release a new photo-sharing app called TikTok Notes "soon." That's according to multiple TikTok users who received an in-app pop-up message telling them that their current and future photo posts on TikTok will soon be added to TikTok Notes.

The message has a slider button that allows users to opt-out of syncing existing and future TikTok photo posts to the new app.

News of TikTok's foray into a dedicated photos app was previously leaked last month. The leaks had suggested the app might be called TikTok Photos, and showed a logo in the style of TikTok's original that consists of a red "P" and another cyan mark. The leaks also revealed that TikTok would sync users' photos to its new app, and they would have to opt-out as opposed to opt-in to their posted photos being shared to the new platform.

At time of writing, both photos.tiktok.com and notes.tiktok.com show the previously leaked "P" logo in the upper browser tab area, but the landing page for both show what appears to be a placeholder image and a new name and logo. The landing pages show a new logo for TikTok Notes, which consists of four green arrowhead-like marks pointing at each other.

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