Nokia Lumia 920 Available for $99 on AT&T's Wireless Network

From DailyTech: Last month, Best Buy jumped the gun a bit with pricing for the new Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone 8 device. At the time, the electronics retailer listed pricing for the smartphone at $149 with a new two-year contract.

However, AT&T has just officially opened up the pre-order lines for the Lumia 920, and it's only charging $99 with a two-year contract. Its lowly Lumia 820 sibling will be available for $49 with a two-year contract. Pre-orders begin tomorrow.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has already stated he expects that Windows Phone 8 sales and market share would “ramp quickly”, and this bargain basement pricing may be just the ticket to get some traction in the competitive smartphone market.

So what do you guys think? Is $99 for a flagship phone enough to get you to switch from iOS or Android to Windows Phone 8?

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