Xbox 360 Fall Dashboard Update Now Available to Some

From DailyTech: Last night, Microsoft made the official announcement that the Xbox 360 dashboard update would be rolling out this week. The new dashboard will have updates that beta users have been able to take advantage of from the 2012 Xbox Live Update Public Beta. The update roll out began last night and will be gradually rolled out across subscribers and regions over the course of the next week.

The initial rollout offered the new update to approximately 3,000,000 console users. The update will reach additional users during the next several weeks. What Microsoft is saying is if you don't have access to the update right now don't worry, you will get the update.

The update will bring with it a refreshed Xbox 360 Dashboard with tweaks to the UI. The dashboard will have a sports section in the U.S. and the update brings Internet Explorer for Xbox. The update will also add the ability to make recommendations and rate content, including movies.

Users will also have the ability to pin content to the dashboard as a way to save favorite movies, games, TV shows, videos, and more. Xbox Video, offering hundreds of thousands of TV shows and movies for buying or renting, is replacing the Zune Video Marketplace. The update also renames the Quick Play category to Recent, giving users a list of movies, games, and other content recently accessed on the console.

Another the significant updates is an enhanced search bringing genre search features allowing you to search for content by category such as action or comedy. The update also expands voice search to nine new countries.

We talked about one key part of this Xbox dashboard update yesterday; its brings compatibility with Xbox Music.

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